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Thursday, January 1, 2009

US Deports Over 28,000 Guatemalans

US Deports Over 28,000 Guatemalans
Dec 31, 2008
La Prensa Latina

Deportations of Guatemalans from United States reached a record of 28,059 in 2008 after the arrival of the latest flight with 130 immigrants this year.

Since the northern country government toughened its anti immigrant policy the number of repatriated people has increased rapidly.

In 2005 7,029 people were expelled, 18,305 in 2006 and 23,062 in 2007.

Persecution, massive raids and deportations from US territory have affected family remittances, from which one third part of the 13 million Guatemalans live.

Besides that those who returned have frequently contracted debts to pay their trip and not found a comprehensive policy to comply with their needs.

According to the National Job Direction offers for repatriated are mainly in international Call and Service sectors.

However, most work in agriculture and commerce and prepare a new incursion to the United States.