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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Group calls for halt on deportations

Group calls for halt on deportations
By Tara Lynn
Reporter, WCBD in South Carolina
Published: January 3, 2009

President elect Barack Obama has 17 more days until he’s officially in office, but that’s not keeping some from already calling on him to take action on immigration reform.

Maria Aguirre-Fuentes came to the United States 11 years ago following her American Dream of prosperity.

While her 3 children are in the states with her, her parents are not.

She came to volunteer at this Immigration Reform Forum in downtown Charleston to change that.

“We want there to be a solution so we can be like everybody else in this country and succeed with our dreams,” she told News 2 with the help of a translator.

More than 300 people like Aguirre-Fuentes came to add their name to a list to be presented to President Elect Barack Obama. Their goal: to persuade the president elect to place a moratorium on deportation until congress can reform immigration laws. Famlia Latina Unida Chicago Organizer Emma Lozano says the current laws are unjust.