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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day laborers march for rights

Day laborers march for rights
Stephen Wall, Staff Writer
Posted: 01/21/2009
Contracosta Times

SAN BERNARDINO - One day after a historic inauguration, day laborers and their allies called on President Barack Obama to stop workplace raids and pursue comprehensive immigration reform.

About 75 day laborers and their supporters marched in front of City Hall to urge an end to the criminalization of immigrant workers.

"(On Tuesday), President Obama said we all have the right to achieve our dreams," said Emilio Amaya, director of the San Bernardino Community Service Center, an immigrant advocacy group. "We are here to remind Mr. Obama that day laborers and immigrants also want to be part of the American dream."

The rally was part of a coordinated effort by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, a Los Angeles-based organization dedicated to improving the lives of the country's approximately 120,000 day laborers. Similar events were held in cities across the country.

The rally came nearly a month after Border Patrol agents, during a three-day period, arrested six day laborers as they waited to solicit work in front of Home Depot off Highland Avenue. The workers - illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America - were subsequently deported to their home countries. Day laborers and their advocates held a New Year's Eve protest to denounce the arrests.

While the Border Patrol hasn't returned to the area since, rally participants said immigrants continue to live in fear.

"Two weeks ago, a mother was detained and deported in a parking lot in Arizona in front of her two kids," said Pablo Alvarado, director of the day laborer network. "Immigration officers gave the kids stuffed animals in exchange for their mother. This is not the America that Obama wants."
Enrique Fierro, a 26-year-old day laborer from Mexico, told the crowd in Spanish that illegal immigrants such as himself aren't here to take jobs from other Americans.

"We just want to work legally. We don't want raids and we don't want to be separated from our families," said Fierro, a San Bernardino resident who has lived in the country eight years.

Suzanne Foster, who runs an organization that helps day laborers get jobs, said that workers are in solidarity with Obama's message of hope, unity and equality.

"We have hope that this son of an immigrant will work with us to embrace the millions of immigrants currently in the shadows who are helping to build this country through their tireless work," said Foster, executive director of the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center.

A prominent group opposed to illegal immigration had a different view.

"The marches they're having are just going to embolden the American people even more to continue our fight for America," said Victorville resident Raymond Herrera, national rally spokesman for the Minuteman Project. "Illegal aliens are to be deported. They're criminals in America. They're breaking the law. The law must be enforced on them just like everybody else."