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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Protesting raids in Mississippi

Protesting raids in Jackson Mississippi
December 05, 2008
Laurel Leader Call Newspaper

— A get-tough Mississippi anti-immigration law that goes into effect next month drew dozens of advocates to the state Capitol on Thursday to protest the legislation they say targets Latino workers.

The business community also is concerned about the legislation because employers could face sanctions for failing to verify the citizenship of workers they hire.

The bill, which becomes law Jan. 1, requires employers to use the U.S. Homeland Security electronic verification system to check whether new hires are legal residents. Employers who hire illegal immigrants could lose their business license for a year and any state contract work for up to three years.

Any illegal immigrant found working in the state could face a one-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $10,000.

“It’s intended to scare Latinos out of the state,” said Bill Chandler, executive director of the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance.